M: Fly your one-hand ‘Y’ onto your left flat palm like landing a plane. (AUSLAN)
HUH: Place your hands under the person’s, then fly your one-hand ‘Y’ onto your left flat palm like landing a plane.
C: Fly the person’s one-hand ‘Y’ onto their left flat palm like landing a plane.
DB/B: Land your right extended thumb and index finger (one-hand ‘Y’), along the palm of the person’s flat left hand.
Combine: ‘Airport Entrance’, ‘Airport Exit’, ‘Airport Staff’, ‘Airport Security’, ‘Airport Traffic’, ‘Airport Train’,
Note: For departures fly your one-hand ‘Y’ off your hand.
Activity: Organise a visit to an airport, talk about what people do there.
Picture: Bren boarding a British Air plane to London’